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RGADC XII conducts the 1st REGIONAL GAD FORUM for CY 2020

“Republic Act 9710 or known as “Magna Carta of Women (MCW) mandates the State as the primary duty- bearer to uphold women’s human rights including all agencies, departments, offices, and instrumentalities at all levels.“ This was strongly emphasized by  Regional Development Council- Regional GAD Committee (RDC- RGADC) Chair, DILG XII Regional Director Josephine Cabrido- Leysa, CESO III, during the “1st Regional GAD Forum for RGADC XII Members“ held via Zoom teleconference on the 23rd of September 2020, which was primarily aimed to further strengthen the regional efforts on mainstreaming gender perspectives into the processes, policies, and programs and projects.

Amid the COVID pandemic, Chair RD Leysa applauded the untiring commitment to public service of two hundred fourteen (214) GAD advocates, composed of thirty one (31) men and one hundred eighty three (183) women-coming from Regional Line Agencies (RLAs), State University and Colleges (SUCs), Higher Educational Institutions, Civil Society Organizations and other government instrumentalities in Region XII, including sixty-two (62) participants from other Regions.

In partnership with the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW), Assistant City Prosecutor of Tandag City Atty. Allen Montenegro-Gasulas, emphasized the imperatives on GAD. PCW- Supervising GAD Specialist Ma. Rebecca Rafada M. Baylosis and COA XII State Auditor Romeo C. Nunez, Jr. both elucidated on the “Guidelines on the Submission, Review and Endorsement of GPB and GAR” and “Revised Guidelines in the Audit of GAD Fund and Activities in Government Agencies”, respectively.

The judicious utilization of mandatory five percent (5%) GAD budget, formulation of gender responsive PPAs, and submission of annual GPB and GAR in compliance to GAD planning and budgeting calendar set forth in the  PCW Memorandum Circular No. 2020-05 were among of the inputs well- appreciated by all the participants.

At the end of the activity, participants made their commitment to conduct similar GAD-capability development activities for their respective agencies, and for local government units to complementarily ensure the achievement of gender- responsive and even resilient Rehiyon Dose.