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RCMC 12 TWG Undergoes Orientation-Workshop on Crisis Management

As part of the Region’s efforts in strengthening its preparedness and response to disasters and crisis, the Regional Crisis Management Committee (RCMC) 12 Technical Working Group (TWG) recently underwent an orientation-workshop on crisis management at Camp Agaab, Pulatana, Malandag, Malungon, Sarangani Province.

The two-day activity was participated in by RCMC TWG members coming from the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), Philippine National Police (PNP), Philippine Information Agency (PIA), National Intelligence Coordination Agency (NICA), Office of Civil Defense (OCD), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), Department of Health (DOH), and Public Attorney’s Office (PAO).

The salient features of National Crisis Management Core Manual specifically the Crisis Management Framework and the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) were among the major topics presented before the participants. Practical exercises on courses of action (COA development were employed for this system is fundamental before the formulation of contingency plan and crisis action plan.

The resource persons during the activity were Col. Ronald Villanueva, Deputy Brigade Commander Tyne Bañas, CPT Ulysses Hornido, from 100nd Brigade, PA and ARD Jerome Barranco of OCD.

The seminar- workshop was successful through the sponsorship of 1002nd Brigade under the leadership of Col. Ronald Villanueva. The said brigade designed the modules of the activity and acted as the main facilitators. The DILG 12 headed by Regional Director Reynaldo M. Bungubung, CESO IV served as the secretariat.

The formulation of the Contingency Plan will be conducted as soon as the signed Joint Memorandum Circular on the Rules and Regulations Governing the Implementation of Contingency Planning (CP) and Institutionalization of the CP Guidebook for Natural and Human-Induced Hazards will be ready for implementation, and the Guidebook is made available.

The RPOC 12 passed a Resolution No. 6 Series of 2016 on the creation of the RCMC during its meeting on May 3, 2016.