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DILG XII GFPS plans for FY 2022

Gender and Development Focal Point System Technical Working Group (GFPS-TWG) Members of DILG XII conducted the first quarter meeting last April 15, 2021 using a blended approach at 88 Hotel, Gensan Drive, and via the Zoom Platform. The members are composed of internal members which are personnel from different divisions of DILG Regional Office, external members which are LGCDD personnel and Provincial Focal Person and their alternates.

Director Josephine Cabrido- Leysa, CESO III, the Chairperson of the GFPS-TWG, greeted the members and was looking forward to their quality output which is the GAD Plan and Budget (GPB) for FY 2022. Efforts to mainstream GAD in all the Programs, Projects and Activities (PPAs) of DILG XII is utilized.

The meeting started with a brief levelling –off. Presented before the GFPS are the updates on GAD Database 2020 and RGADC XII Program of Activities which were discussed by Engr. Jahleel A. Domingo; GAD Deliverables of DILG XII and RGADC XII was discussed by Ms. Jessilou L. Frugalidad, EnP. She also discussed the scores obtained from the previous assessment covering (2015-2017) using the Enhanced Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework (GMEF) tool. The GMEF measures the extent of the gender mainstreaming efforts of organizations, both national government agencies (NGAs) and local government units (LGUs).

In the afternoon, Ms. Frugalidad facilitated the Formulation of the GAD Plan and Budget (GPB) for FY 2022. The GFPS-TWG gave substantial inputs to the plan especially on the Organization-Focused activities. We have to create an organizational environment that is gender-responsive in terms of policies, programs and projects; address the gap in knowledge, skills and attitudes of key personnel on gender mainstreaming; and address the gender issues of employees in the workplace.

The TWG members accomplished the Draft GPB which will be enhanced by the Gender and Development Focal Point System (GFPS) in a separate meeting on April 16, 2021.