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DILG South Cotabato sustains its "Strengthening of the Internal Organizational Capacity" Initiative

As part of its effort in strengthening its internal organizational capacity, the DILG South Cotabato headed by PD Atty. Rochelle D. Mahinay-Sero, EnP once again conducted an Orientation and Updating of 2023 DILG Deliverables and Various Assessment Tools cum Strengthening of LPOC Secretariat on February 15-16, 2023 at Cinco Ninas, City of Koronadal.

The two-day activity which was attended by the C/MLGOOs, and their Staff aimed at providing the latest updates on the DILG PPAs, and on how to use various local government assessment tools.

The DILG Provincial Focal Persons as the Resource Speakers discussed LCAT VAWC, EODB, SK GEMS, LCPC, SGLG, SGLGB, BADAC, BDC, LTIA, among others.

Also given emphasis during the activity were the Quality Management System (QMS) compliance, Technical Writing, and Documentation, and Workplace Etiquette. 

In her message, PD Sero expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the C/MLGOOs and their Staff for always being supportive of the Department’s PPAs. She assured everyone that this Orientation is just one among the many Capacity Development activities to be called upon by the Provincial Management. It can be recalled that last year February 07, 2022, the DILG South Cotabato conducted the same activity.