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DILG Partners with Cotabato Province in Equipping its Barangay Peace Keeping Force

Cotabato province recognizes the active role and contribution of the barangay peace keeping force in the maintenance of the peace and order of the province being deployed in the different barangays making therp strategic front liners.

The provincial governor in partnership with DILG and other stakeholders join hands with the different local chief executives of its component LGUs in the conduct of symposium on crime prevention a regular program of the province.

Members of the Provincial Peace and Order Council: PNP, DILG, PDEA, BFP, PNP-Anti-Kidnapping Task Force, Integrated Bar of the Philippines, Public Attorney's Office and the Philippine Army pool their resources in equipping this front liners from November to December, 2017.

This activity supports the initiative of President Rodrigo Duterte on strengthening internal security, anti-criminality, and anti-illegal drugs campaign.

Governor Lala Mendoza visited the conduct of this province-wide activity personally extending her gratitude and challenging these peace keeping forces to be more vigilant and active partners in the pursuit of peace and order in their respective communities.

Each member of the barangay peace keeping team received a bonus and a T­ shirt feeling proud and elated being a front-liner.