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Post Date: January 18, 2018

A groundbreaking ceremony was recently conducted in SPPO Kawas, Alabel, Sarangani where one of the future Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers (DATRCs) will be situated.

Said DATRC project was a result of the MOA executed between the Philippine and Chinese governments, with the provincial governors of Sarangani and Agusan Del Sur at the DOH Central Office in Manila last March, 2017.

Deed of donation amounting to 350-M was granted in November, 2017 during the ASEAN visit of the Chinese Prime Minister.

Post Date: January 15, 2018

Cotabato province recognizes the active role and contribution of the barangay peace keeping force in the maintenance of the peace and order of the province being deployed in the different barangays making therp strategic front liners.

The provincial governor in partnership with DILG and other stakeholders join hands with the different local chief executives of its component LGUs in the conduct of symposium on crime prevention a regular program of the province.

Post Date: December 27, 2017

After a series of activities under the Mainstreaming DRR CCA in Local Development Planning Program, five (5) LGUs composed of Bagumbayan (Sultan Kudarat), Arakan (Cotabato), Magpet (Cotabato), Makilala (Cotabato), and Polomolok (South Cotabato) were called for a Coaching Session on the Utilization of Climate and Disaster Risk Assessment (CDRA) in Program, Project and Activity Identification last December 18-21, 2017 at the Hotel de Viajera, Koronadal City.

Post Date: December 19, 2017

In order to comply with President Duterte’s directive to streamline frontline services and the licensing and permit system in the entire government bureaucracy, DILG pushes LGUs not only to comply with the revised standards set as per DILG-DTI-DICT Joint Memorandum Circular No. 01, series of 2016, but to go for automation in support of the ease of doing business at the local level.

Post Date: December 15, 2017

DILG 12 conducted its first batch of the Training-Workshop on the Enhanced Local Climate Change Action Planning on December 5-8, 2017 at the 88 Hotel, Koronadal City. Thirty six (36) participants coming from the LGUs of Sarangani and General Santos City composed of the Local Planning Development Coordinators, Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officers, Agricultural Officers, Engineers and other LGU functionaries who are members of the LCCAP Team attended the activity.
