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Post Date: May 6, 2020

Five local projects from four local government units (LGUs) of Cotabato were formally endorsed to DILG Central Office for funding under the Department’s Assistance to Municipalities (AM) Program, DILG XII –Project Development Management Unit (PDMU) confirmed.

Included in the list of projects endorsed for fund release were road projects in Barangay Baranginan, Alamada, Barangay San Mateo, Aleosan, Barangays Kiloyao and Montay, Libungan, and Barangay Labuo, President Roxas.

Post Date: May 6, 2020

Employees of the Department of the Interior and Local Government XII have started ‘regular work’ for the month of May after more than half of the ninety-nine (99) personnel and staff adopted the ‘work-from-home scheme’  for about a month due to the community quarantine.

In a message during the Monday convocation, Director Josephine Cabrido-Leysa, CESO III, welcomed the new batch of employees who were given orders to report to work as the adapt and slowly adjust into the “new normal” as the Region shifts from Enhanced Community Quarantine to General Community Quarantine this week.

Post Date: April 30, 2020

With the April 30 deadline now at hand and the implementation of General Quarantine Status (GCQ) will be in effect, DILG XII Regional Director Josephine Cabrido-Leysa, CESO III expressed optimism that it will “pave the way for the much-needed economic recovery of the whole of Region XII.”

The downgrading of the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) for Region XII had been recommended by the National IATF-EID recently. In a video conference held with the regional Inter-Agency TF on Covid 19 and the RIATG-EID recently, the Director made a presentation of the possible scenario under the General Community Quarantine. 

Post Date: April 28, 2020

“WE have landed in Awang Airport!”

This was the update received by DILG XII RD Josephine Cabrido – Leysa, CESO III at around 10:57 AM on Wednesday April 22, 2020, relayed by one of the thankful passengers of the ‘sweeper flight’ from Cebu as the said official monitored, along with the OpCen people, the development of events. 

Post Date: April 27, 2020

As more good news (with some bad news) about the release of Social Amelioration Program (SAP) funds abound, DILG XII RD Josephine Cabrido-Leysa, CESO III, called on the citizens to emulate the exemplary deeds of fellow residents from Region XII who opted out from being recipients of the SAP, knowing fully well that there are others who are ‘more deserving’ as beneficiaries.
