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Levelling off with the Provincial Inter-Agency Monitoring Task Force (PIMTF) on the Implementation of CY 2023 Child-Friendly Local Governance Audit (CFLGA) and CY 2024 Local Council for the Protection of Children (LCPC)

DILG Dose with the Provincial Inter-Agency Monitoring Task Force (PIMTF) Ready for the Implementation of Child Local Governance Audit (CFLGA) and Local Council for the Protection of Child

The activity was participated by the Provincial and HUC DILG Focal Persons as the Chairperson of the PIMTF and LCPC Secretariat.

The activity aims to establish a collective comprehension of assessment indicators and a well-coordinated and effective preparation process for Local Government Units (LGUs) for the upcoming CY 2023 Child-Friendly Local Governance Audit (CFLGA) and CY 2024 Local Council for the Protection of Children (LCPC).

During the activity, LGMED Division Chief Musarapha A. Alim delivered a message on behalf of OIC Regional Director Rochelle D. Mahinay-Sero, CESE. In her message, she recognized and appreciated the efforts of the P/HUC IMTFs for their dedication to assisting LGUs in preparing the said implementation. She also reminded us that it is our collective responsibility to ensure that we meet our goal of increasing the number of LGUs who passed the CFLGA and who obtained the Ideal level of functionality for LCPC.

The insightful exchange underscores a collective commitment to ensuring the success of the Child-Friendly Local Governance Audit and the Local Council for the Protection of Children.