With the issuance of Executive Order No. 70, the Regional Task Force on ELCAC SOCCSKSARGEN Region facilitated the cascading of the regional line agencies’ IMPLANs and ELCAC deliverables to the four (4) Provincial Task Forces during the conduct of the RTF-PTF Joint Meetings in South Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Sarangani, and Cotabato Province.
The joint meetings also aims to orient and discuss the deliverables of the Provincial, City and Municipal Task Forces on the Retooled Community Support Program (RCSP), which is the main vehicle of the national government agencies to address and close gaps in governance and development issues earlier identified by the community, thereby, bringing the government closer to the people.
The meetings were presided over by the Provincial Governors, being the Chair of the Provincial Task Force and/or Vice Governor, in the absence of the latter.
The four (4) meetings were attended by the member agencies of the RTF-ELCAC SOCCKSARGEN Region (DILG, NCIP, PMS, DSWD,NICA, DEPED, DOH, CHED, DOLE, DAR, DA, TESDA, NIA, BFAR, DOE, DBM, DOST, AFP, PNP, NHA, DFA, HUDCC, LTO, etc. and the members of the PTF-ELCAC of the 4 provinces.
The PTF-ELCAC is composed of the Provincial Governors, as Chairperson, Representatives from government agencies at the provincial level, Department Heads, and select representatives from the civil society organizations (CSOs) and private institutions.
In the four meetings, Assistant Regional Director Lailyn A. Ortiz, CESO V of DILG Region XII relayed the message of DILG Regional Director Josephine Cabrido-Leysa, CESO V which focused on the importance of convergence and harmonization of efforts between and among government agencies, LGUs and CSOs/private sectors. She stressed the critical roles of the LGUs in ending the insurgency problem of the Philippines.
Among the topics presented in the four (4) meetings were:
- Brief Orientation on EO No. 70
It was presented by National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) XII Regional Director Eduardo T. Marquez followed by a sharing of experiences session by former cadres and top officials of the New People’s Army (NPA). These gave the members of the RTF and PTFs full understanding of how the enemy operates and establish its Guerilla Fronts or units within the community.
- The Retooled Community Support Program (RCSP)
It was presented by LTC Jake Thaddeus Obligado of the 10TH ID. He shared the 4 phases of the RCSP and gave emphasis on their best practices of Davao del Norte for its Local Peace Engagements initiatives.
- Information Briefing delivered by General Adonis Bajao. He mentioned the area of responsibility, the Needs Assessment Survey results, and the Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan. He also said that the primary issues identified are land grabbing, high farm input and low farm output in the Province of the entire Region 12.
- The Ways Forward (Post RTF-PTF Meetings)
It was presented and discussed by LGOO VI Ian Jon Clemente. More emphasis were given on the creation of the RCSP Team, Local Peace Panels and Local Peace Engagement Teams, and the Conduct of Community Consultation/Dialogues and Problem Solving Session. He also presented the deliverables before the conduct of the Lokal Serbisyo Caravan in the priority barangays.
September 9, 2019 – EMR Center, City of Koronadal
The joint meeting was presided over by Vice-Governor Vicente De Jesus. He informed attendees that the Province has already started using the Convergence Approach in their Program for Poverty Reduction, however, in this case they will also include in their priorities those activities which will end the local communist armed conflict.
Among the major issues/concerns discussed/presented were:
- Poverty among the depressed areas of the Province
- High rate of unemployment in the Province
- Rise Tariffication Law affects the farmers of the Province
- Lack of funds to support additional Programs
- Inclusion of some government agencies in the implementation of EO No. 70
September 10, 2019 – Provincial Capitol Building, Isulan, Sultan Kudarat
The joint meeting was presided over by Governor Suharto T. Mangudadatu. He stated that the Program to end the Local Communist Armed Conflict will be successfully achieved if all government agencies will sincerely join in rendering specialized services for those affected areas in the Province. He said further that whatever challenge they will encounter will be surpassed if everyone will participate in this endeavor.
Among the major issues/concerns discussed/presented were:
- Land Ownership
- Issue on the Integrated Forest Management Agreement (IFMA) where DENR should issue a certificate of non-overlapping of the provisions of the said Agreement.
September 11, 2019 – Casa Rafael Business Inn, Dadiangas, General Santos City
The joint meeting was presided over by Governor Steve Chiongbian Solon. He showed his gratefulness for the attendance of all regional and provincial government agencies to discuss the possible contribution of their Province in ending the Local Communist Armed Conflict. He also mentioned that their Province will also focus in strengthening their Programs on Peace and Order and Security.
Among the major issues/concerns discussed/presented were:
- Inadequate delivery of basic services
- Absenteeism of Local Barangay Officials
- Lack of awareness on security concerns
- Lack of livelihood and employment opportunities
September 12, 2019 – Provincial Capitol, Kidapawan, Cotabato Province
The joint meeting was presided over by Acting Governor Emmylou Taliňo-Mendoza. She said that she finds the mandate on ELCAC as “very challenging problem in their area” but she went on explain that they are willing to utilize all their available resources to respond to the call of ending Local Communist Armed Conflict especially in the areas identified in their Province.
Among the major issues/concerns discussed/presented were:
- Land ownership claims of the IPs lack of supporting documents
- Overlapping of Tenurial Instruments issued by DAR, DENR and NCIP
- Lack of funds to support ELCAC Program
- The RTF and PTF ELCAC agreed to the following next steps after these joint meetings:
1. Creation of RCSP Team
- Issuance of the Executive Order on the creation of the RCSP Team
- Develop and formulate an RCSP Immersion Plan
2. Creation of the Provincial Peace Panel
- Issuance of the Executive Order on the creation of the Provincial Peace Panel and its TWG
- Set up exploratory talks
- Drafting of the ground rules and formulation of Peace Agenda
- Hold the local-level formal peace dialogues
- Draft the local-level peace agreement
- Sign the local-level peace agreement
- Implement agreements, Monitor and evaluate compliance to agreements & Sign Completion/Exit Agreement
3. Conduct of Community Consultations and Problem-Solving sessions
- Conduct an area study in the barangays to separate the insurgents from the peace-loving people and identify the needs of the people in the ground.
- Conduct Local Conflict Analysis
- Conduct a social preparation to be led by DSWD and DILG in ground/ community coordination
- to conduct the community problem solving sessions to validate the needs and problems noted by the RCSP operators
- Conduct of advocacy/information drive to the affected barangays
--- Everyone made their commitments based on their distinct roles and functions to participate and contribute to the achievement of the goals towards ending local communist armed conflict by affixing their signatures in the Commitment of Support.
--- At the end of the joint meetings, these are the things to ponder (given by LTC Jake Thaddeus Obligado):
Where the road ends, insurgency begins…
Where the road begins, insurgency ends…
The road to development is the Road!
All are called to participate….
Tell me and I will forget…
Show me and I may remember…
Involve me and I will understand