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Post Date: April 15, 2020

Image by: The STAR/Michael Varcas

The Joint RIATF XII on Covid 19 and the RIATG XII pushed for the quick action of LGUs to address the discrimination and harassment being faced by health workers, along with those who are suspected to be Covid 19 positive, PUIs or PUMs.

Post Date: April 11, 2020

Image by  Ashley Manabat

As the whole region is currently on an enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) until April 30, the Department of the Interior and Local Government XII and the Philippine National Police XII showed their commitment in implementing social distancing guidelines and restrictions against mass gathering by going after those who blatantly violate the quarantine regulations in the Region.

Post Date: April 10, 2020

DILG XII Regional Director Josephine Cabrido-Leysa, CESO III, showed her commitment to tackle the issue head-on regarding the management of deceased Covid-19 victims via another schedule of video conference attended by members of the Management of the Dead and Missing (MDM) cluster for Covid-19 headed by the DILG.

The online meeting on April 8 was attended by the PNP, BFP, DOH, AFP, DSWD, OCD, Philippine Red Cross, Governors of the provinces in Region XII, City Mayors of Gen. Santos City and Cotabato.

Post Date: April 10, 2020

“Making the most out of what technology has to offer.”

That is how members of the Region XII Task force on Covid -19 describe the experience as they held a video conference session last April 3 to tackle major issues in the light of the ongoing community quarantine covering the whole region.

In attendance were sixteen members of the Regional Task Force led by SK Gov. Suharto T. Mangudadatu, Chair of the RTF on Covid 19, Dir. Aristides C. Tan, MD, CESO III of DOH XII, Co-chair, Dir. Josephine Cabrido-Leysa, CESO III of DILG XII, co-secretariat of the TF, along with Dir. Minda C. Morante of OCD XII, among others.

Post Date: April 9, 2020

DILG XII Regional Director Josephine Cabrido-Leysa, CESO III, showed her commitment to tackle the issue head-on regarding the management of deceased Covid-19 victims via another schedule of video conference attended by members of the Management of the Dead and Missing (MDM) cluster for Covid-19 headed by the DILG.

The online meeting on April 8 was attended by the PNP, BFP, DOH, AFP, DSWD, OCD, Philippine Red Cross, Governors of the provinces in Region XII, City Mayors of Gen. Santos City and Cotabato.
