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Consultative Meeting/Dialogue on Locally Funded Projects

The Office Project Development Services (OPDS), in coordination with the DILG XII recently conducted a consultative meeting/dialogue on the implementation of the locally funded projects in the Region at Koronadal City, South Cotabato.

The team from OPDS, DILG Central Office was spearheaded by Ms. Fe Crisilla A. Banluta, WSSU Program Manager.

Tha activity was conducted to validate the status of the projects, revisit strategies to hasten their implementation and confirmation of targets as committed.

DILG XII Director Reynaldo M. Bungubung, CESO IV emphasized the importance of putting strategies in place to be able to achieve the Region’s commitment on the locally funded projects. In his message, he also shared his delight in witnessing the improvement in the lives of the beneficiaries of projects under the PAMANA, BUB and SALINTUBIG.

The meeting was attended by the DILG XII provincial and city directors with their respective focal persons, the chief of the Finance and Administrative Division, PDMU staff, regional budget officer and accountant.

The activity ended with the submission of the provincial and city commitments on the implementation of the locally funded projects aimed to fast track all the on-going and not yet started projects to completion in a feasible and workable time frame.